Tempe Dog Bite Attorney

Thank you for visiting The Sorenson Law Firm as your reliable legal partner for Tempe dog bite injury cases in Arizona.

If a dog has bitten you or someone you care about, it is important to know your rights and take steps to receive fair compensation for your injuries. We have a highly skilled group of lawyers ready to assist you.

We will guide you through the legal process, fighting for your rights and ensuring you get the justice you are entitled to.

Your Dog Bite Attorney in Tempe Helps you Understand The Law

In Arizona, there are laws in place that specifically address dog bite cases. These laws hold dog owners responsible for the actions of their pets and impose liability on them.

Arizona follows a “strict liability” approach regarding dog ownership which means that dog owners are held accountable for any injuries caused by their dogs, regardless of the dog’s past behavior or whether the owner was aware of any potential dangers associated with the dog. 

Our team of highly skilled attorneys with extensive knowledge and expertise in personal injury cases enables us to construct a compelling case that effectively works in your favor.

Having a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities can greatly assist you in effectively navigating the situation.

We aim to give a clear understanding of Tempe dog bite injury laws to help you handle these incidents to fight for your rights collectively.

Strict Liability: 

Arizona has a strict liability rule when it comes to dog bites. This rule means that dog owners are responsible for any injuries caused by their dogs, regardless of how the dog has behaved in the past or if the owner knew it had aggressive habits. This rule applies to public and private places where the victim is legally allowed, like a public park or the dog owner’s yard.

One-Bite Rule: 

Arizona does not follow the “one-bite rule” that absolves dog owners from liability if their dog bites someone for the first time. The strict liability principle holds the owner responsible for the first bite.

Comparative Negligence: 

Arizona applies a comparative negligence standard in dog bite cases, meaning that the court may consider the actions of both the dog owner and the victim when determining compensation. If the victim’s actions contributed to the incident in any way, the compensation awarded may be reduced proportionally.

Statute of Limitations: 

A dog-biting case in Tempe Arizona has a statute of limitations. This deadline is the legal time limit for filing a lawsuit after the incident. The statute of limitations for personal injuries, including dog bites, is two years from the date of the accident. Failure to file a lawsuit within this time may result in the court declining to consider the case.

Defenses for Dog Owners: 

While Tempe, Arizona dog bite laws place strict liability on dog owners, there are a few defenses that owners may use to mitigate their liability:

  • Provocation: If the victim provoked the dog by teasing or tormenting it, the owner may argue that the provocation led to the bite.
  • Trespassing: If the victim was unlawfully on the dog owner’s property at the time of the accident, the owner may assert that the victim’s trespassing contributed to the bite.
  • Working Dogs: In some cases, if the dog involved was a working dog, such as a police or military dog, and the bite occurred during its duties, the owner might claim immunity from liability.

Reporting and Quarantine: 

In Arizona, dog bites must be reported to local animal control authorities. The dog may undergo quarantine to ensure it has no rabies or other contagious diseases.

If a dog in Tempe Arizona has attacked you or someone you know, you should immediately contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Our experienced attorney team welcomes you for a free consultation. We will help you understand your rights and legal system and pursue fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Common Injuries from Dog Bites:

Dog bite incidents can result in a wide range of injuries, from minor wounds to severe and life-changing consequences. Some common injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Puncture wounds and lacerations
  • Infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Primary Steps to Take After a Dog Bite 

After a dog bite occurrence, you must take urgent action to preserve your health and legal rights. Our attorneys recommend the following actions:

  • Medical Attention: Your health is the primary priority. Get medical attention for your injuries as quickly as possible, even if they appear minor. Certain dog bites can result in severe diseases or problems if handled improperly.
  • Document the Incident: Collect as much information as possible about the dog, its owner, and the circumstances of the attack. Photograph your injuries, the scene of the occurrence, and any apparent evidence, such as the dog’s leash or any warning signs on the property.
  • Identify Witnesses: Obtain the contact information of any witnesses to the dog bite. Eyewitness statements can be useful in determining responsibility.
  • Report the Incident: Contact local animal control and report the dog bite. Immediate reporting protects others from potential attacks and creates an official record of the incident.
  • Consult with Our Attorneys: Once you have taken the steps to address your immediate concerns, contact our legal team for a free consultation. We’ll assess your case and advise you on the best action.

How The Sorenson Law Firm Can Help 

Our team has over 100 years of combined experience handling all types of Personal Injury lawsuits in Arizona. When you hire The Sorenson Law Firm to defend you, you can expect the following:

  • We will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and consult specialists to investigate the dog bite incident.
  • Our legal team will compile and analyze the information to build a strong case on your behalf to establish liability based on pieces of evidence.
  • Dealing with insurance companies is tricky since they try to settle the claim for a lower amount. We will handle all negotiations and obtain the reasonable compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and any damages resulting from the dog bite.

What Makes The Sorenson Law Firm Unique, and Why Should You Hire Us? 

At The Sorenson Law Firm, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a dog bite can take on your life. Our compassionate attorneys are dedicated to providing personalized attention to each client, ensuring you feel supported throughout the legal process. Here are some reasons to choose our firm:

  • Experience and Expertise: Our attorneys have extensive experience in personal injury law, including dog bite cases. We deeply understand Arizona’s dog bite laws and how to navigate the complexities of such cases.
  • Client-Centered Approach: Your well-being is our priority. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and tailor our legal strategies to meet your needs.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a firm combined 100-year track record of favorable outcomes for our clients in personal injury matters.
  • No Fees Unless We Win: We believe in access to justice for everyone. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay any attorney fees unless we secure compensation for you.


Q: I was bitten by a neighbor’s dog. Can I file a claim against them? 

A: Yes, you may be able to file a claim against the dog owner if their negligence led to the accident. We can help you assess the circumstances of the bite and advise you on the best course of action.

Q: How long do I have to file a dog bite claim in Arizona? 

A: In Tempe Arizona, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including dog bites, is generally two years from the accident date. Taking early action and seeking legal advice to preserve your rights can significantly strengthen the worth of your case.

Q: What compensation can I recover for my dog bite injuries? 

A: The compensation you may be entitled to depends on the specific details of your case. It may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and more. Our attorneys will evaluate your damages and work diligently to secure the best possible outcome.

Q: How much does The Sorenson Law Firm cost for a dog bite case? 

A: We understand the financial burden you experience after a dog bite accident. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only be responsible for paying legal fees if we can successfully recover compensation on your behalf.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a dog bite in Tempe, Arizona, don’t hesitate to seek legal representation from The Sorenson Law Firm. Our team is here to fight for your rights, pursue justice, and help you rebuild your life after the traumatic incident. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step toward obtaining the compensation you deserve. Remember, you are not alone – we are here to support you every step of the way.

You can contact us by calling (480) 839-9500 or visiting our office at 950 West Elliot Road, Suite 226, Tempe, Arizona 8528412. You can also submit your legal inquiry through our website.

October 2, 2023Finding the best personal injury attorney in Arizona


Dog Bite Attorney in Tempe

Locations We Serve

Fawn Blue
Fawn Blue
Let me start off by saying that if your looking for someone who is kind thoughtful professional down to earth easy to communicate with & is very pro active in how they do business & is 100% invested in you & getting the best outcome for whatever your situation may be than I would recommend jonny & rowanna. This was my first time that I needed to find a lawyer who could assist me with my situation. What stood out to me was at the end of our zoom meeting I remember saying to both jonny & rowann that I'm not interested in moving forward because I was more at fault than the lady who hit me so in my mind I'm thinking we'll this guy probably isn't going to want to take my case because it seemed like it would be an uphill battle, & he responded by letting me know that he would like to take my case & see what he could do & bottom line is that you"ll either have more than what you have now or you"ll be in the same situation. So I thought about it for a minute & decided to trust them to see what happens. So from that day on all the way til the case was resolved I've had a great experience with them. Rowanna explained everything to me in a way that was not complicated & always asked me that if had any questions or if I didn't understand she would ask. They are easy to talk with & made me feel like I was important & trying to get the best outcome for me. When my case was complete I was so grateful & appreciated for what they were able to do for me. Johnny & Rowanna are the best & will always have & want the best for you I know because they did that for me. Thanks again CHRISTOPHER
Audrey Sullivan (Audrey-AZRealtor)
Audrey Sullivan (Audrey-AZRealtor)
Experts who care about their clients & work seamlessly to help. There was immense relief having Sorenson Law Firm on our side. They were referred to us by a friend and I am thankful for that! I don't know what we would have done without their expertise.
Jim Van Wicklin
Jim Van Wicklin
Johnny and his team are phenomenal. From the intake with his admin team to the final resolution, there wasn't a moment I didn't feel like we were his top client. I highly recommend Sorenson Law Firm for all your legal needs.
Nicholas Thomas
Nicholas Thomas
I worked with The Sorenson Law firm for about 5 months resolving a personal injury claim that occurred during a car accident I was in and I couldn't have been more happy with results. The firm was always responsive, quick to answer any questions I had and I could tell they had my best interest in mind. I would recommend The Sorenson Law Firm to anyone that needs a personal injury lawyer, they're great!
Amanda Larson
Amanda Larson
I cannot recommend the Sorenson Law Firm enough. After an accident, I was in a situation where I knew very little about my options. I reached out to my community for advice and Johnny’s wife was quick to put me in contact with him to get me some help. The insurance company we were dealing with was not the easiest, but Johnny and his team did a wonderful job at recovering my losses and fighting for me. Johnny and his team kept me well informed and educated throughout the process, which meant a lot as I was very naïve and knew very little going into this process. I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with this wonderful team, and if life ever throws another curve ball, I’ll be sure to use the Sorenson Law Firm again!!!
Erick Fuentes
Erick Fuentes
Sorenson Law handled my case against a local vendor, Mr. Sorenson handled my case expeditiously and to my satisfaction, I would recommend Sorenson Law to anyone. Thank you Mr Sorenson
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis
Very compassionate with our very delicate situation. Understanding and professional at all times. Always kept our best interest at hand and communicated very well every step of the way.
Alfanzo Atkins
Alfanzo Atkins
Had a good experience with Matt would recommend if you were hurt or injured very polite n responsive
Anna C
Anna C
I got into a severe car accident and went to the Sorenson law firm, they weren’t just any law firm for me, I was very impressed by their actions as they put you and your matters first! They are one who takes pride and truly represents you and themselves. I thank them for helping me every step of the way in getting justice and all of their hard work!
Mark Bay
Mark Bay
Sorenson Law Firm made a tough situation less burdensome for me and my family. Going through the lost of a loved one and having to instill trust in people you don't know is hard. But Johnny Sorenson and his associates were very caring, professional, informative and timely when it came to our case. I would recommend The Sorenson Law Firm to anyone that needs lawyers that actually care about their clients and not just a paycheck. I'm writing this as a thank you to their company and to the team that worked on our case. Thank you!